Zoom Security Notes

Learn How to Manage Meeting Participants  Consider Additional Security Options When You Schedule a Meeting

Secure Zoom Cloud Recordings General Security Considerations


 manage meeting participants

As a the host of a Zoom meeting, be familiar with the tools that are available to you to manage meeting participants.  From the Host Controls Menu at the bottom of the Zoom meeting, you can select Manage Participants to perform any of the following actions:

  • Mute Everyone in the Meeting:  Select “Mute All”.
  • Mute a Specific Participant:  Hover over the participants name, Select “Mute”
  • Remove a Specific Participant:  Hover over the participants name, Select “More”, Select “Remove”.  Note:  A removed participant cannot re-join the meeting.
  • Stop the Video for a Specific Participant:  Hover over the participant name, Select “More”, Select “Stop Video”.
  • Lock the Meeting:  Select “More” (beside Mute and Unmute), then Select “Lock”..  Note:  When you lock a Zoom Meeting that’s already started, no new participants can join, even with an approved meeting ID and password.
  • Prevent or Stop Participants from Screen Sharing:  If you enabled Screen Sharing for your meeting...  Select the Screen Sharing up arrow from the Host Control Menu, Select “Advanced Sharing Options”, under “Who Can Share”, then Select “Only Host”.
  • Stop Screen Annotation:  If you enabled a White Board & Annotations for meeting participants, you can disable it during the meeting.  From the Host Control Menu, Select "More", then Select "Disable participants annotation".

For more information, please review...

Clarion's Tips for Live Zoom Sessions

 Zoom's Managing Participants in a Meeting documentation.

consider additional security settings when you create a new scheduled meeting

All of the following options can be set when you schedule a new meeting (and many of these options can be adjusted when you edit an existing meeting).  For some of these settings, note that you may need to use the Zoom Web Portal instead of your Zoom App.  To do so, go to the Clarion Zoom Web Portal and select "Account Sign In".

** Important Note ** As of 9/27/2020, Zoom will change the security requirements for all Zoom users to require a meeting password or a waiting room.    Any previously created Zoom meetings without either of these options enabled will automatically update with a Waiting Room.

  • Add a Meeting Passcode    [See the documentation from Zoom for more details]
    • When scheduling a meeting, under Meeting Options, select Require meeting passcode.  Participants will be asked to enter this passcode in order to join your meeting.  This setting will keep random people from typing in your meeting ID and joining.  Note: This is not a full proof security measure. Remember, the meeting can still be accessed by anyone that has the meeting id and passcode, so control sharing of the meeting invite accordingly. 
  • Use the Waiting Room Feature:  [See the documentation from Zoom for more details]
    • When scheduling a meeting… under Meeting Options, Select “Enable Waiting Room”.  With the “Enable waiting room” feature, the host controls when participants join the meeting. You can admit attendees individually, or hold all attendees in the virtual waiting room and admit all when you are ready to begin.  
  • Prevent Join Before Host:  [See the documentation from Zoom for more details]
    • When scheduling a meeting… under Meeting Options, Uncheck“Join Before Host”.  With “Join before host” disabled, participants will see a pop-up dialog that reads, "Please wait for the host to start this meeting."   This feature is useful  if you don't want participants to join/interact before the host enters.
  • Limit Access to Authenticated Users
    • When scheduling a meeting…  under “Meeting Options”. Select  "Only authenticated users can join".  With the “Only authenticated” feature,  only accounts that are logged into Zoom can access the meeting. 


  • To review your recordings and recording settings, sign-in to the Clarion Zoom Web portal and select "Recordings" from the navigation menu.
  • If you record a Zoom session, it will generally follow the same settings that you applied with the meeting setup.  Recommended Recording settings are...
      • Prevent viewers from downloading the recording
      • Use a password
      • Limiting recording access to authenticated users.
      • For more information, please see the Zoom Recording Management page.


Last Updated 8/7/20