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Teacher Candidate Field Experience

PennWest Clinical Experience Manual - Student Teaching 

Anthology Portfolio (formerly Chalk & Wire) Link Recovery Instructions

* Mentor Teachers - follow the instructions at the above link to recover your Anthology Portfolio (formerly Chalk & Wire) assessment submission link.

 D2L Login Instructions - Guest access

*All Teacher Candidates and Mentor Teachers must complete the appropriate Profile found at the following links: 

Teacher Candidate Profile

Mentor Teacher Profile

Act 91 - Student Teachers as Substitute Teachers

This page provides various documents and resources used during the Teacher Candidate Experience.

Candidate preservice assessment of Student teaching (CPAST)

Student teaching performance profile (stpp)

Teacher Candidate Work Sample

Teacher Candidate Lesson Plan Templates

Act 48 Information

Mentor Teacher Survey


General Information


Candidate Preservice Assessment of Student Teaching (CPAST)

Mentor Teacher/Student Teacher Training

CPAST 3-way Conference Consensus Form 


Student Teaching Performance Profile (STPP)

These evaluation forms, one for each major, are used to define student teacher's progress throughout the placement. It is often helpful to print one out and use it periodically to show the student teacher strengths and weaknesses and to document progress or the lack of progress if necessary. This is the final evaluation form.

Early Childhood

Secondary Mathematics

Middle Level Education

Secondary Science

Secondary English (PDF)

Social Studies Education

Special Education

Special Education Reading (PDF)

Rubric for grading Regular Ed STPPs

Rubric for grading Special Education STPP


Teacher Candidate Work Sample

This Work Sample is only required for the following majors: Early Childhood, Middle Level, and Secondary Education.

This form is to be completed at the end of the first placement and given to the University Supervisor. 

ECH Teacher Work Sample and Rubric

Middle Level and Secondary Teacher Work Sample

Middle Level and Secondary Teacher Work Sample Rubric


Teacher Candidate Lesson Plan Template

ECH 1-6 Block and ECH Teacher Candidate Lesson Plan
This plan is to be used in PreK-6 Block and Early Childhood Student Teaching.

Mid & Secondary Lesson Plan
This format is to be used by the teacher candidate unless otherwise approved by the university supervisor.

Special Education Lesson Plan
This format is to be used by the teacher candidate unless otherwise approved by the university supervisor.


ACT 48

Mentor teachers of BLOCK students can receive 20 hours of Act 48 for each student they supervise.  Mentor teachers must fill out a weekly (4) Teacher Candidate Feedback Form during the placement to receive Act 48 hours.  Teacher Candidates will upload their feedback forms to the Chalk & Wire system.  Mentor Teachers must also complete the Act 48 Google Form.  The Act 48 Google Form will be sent to mentor teachers during the BLOCK placement.  If you do not receive the Act 48 Google Form by the conclusion of the placement, please contact   

Teacher Candidate Feedback Form (Must complete weekly to receive Act 48 hours)


Mentor Teacher Exit Survey

Please take some time and fill out the mentor teacher exit survey.  You will receive the survey link from the Office of Field Services near the end of the teacher candidate's placement.  This information will provide valuable feedback about how our teacher candidates are performing inside your classroom.  This information will also be used to help guide changes to our teacher preparation program(s) at CUP.



PennWest Clinical Experience Manual - Student Teaching

PDE 430 and PDE 430A Evaluation Forms

Incident/Accident Form 
This form is to be used whenever a student teacher is injured during the placement when the injury has resulted from any activity related to the student teaching assignment. Please contact the Associate Dean/Director of Field Services immediately when this form is required.

Travel Information

Travel Log Form 
Although you are not required to use this form, the travel log form has been developed to help you with detail regarding your student teacher supervision travel. This form may be submitted with your travel voucher request form for mileage reimbursement.

The following information will help you work with teacher candidates at any of the four stages of PDE-required field experience.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Field Services at +1 814 393 2144.

PDE Field Experience Requirements Course Requirements by Certification Major:
This manual explains which course include field experience requirements, which stage(s) of field experience are within the course, and what the teacher candidates must do when visiting the public school classroom.

Attendance Form

This is the form to be used to report any missed days at the end of the teacher candidate's placement.

Teacher Candidate Program Overview


General Information

Pennsylvania Department of Education
Link to Title 22 and Chapter 235, "Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators". Please review this information prior to and throughout the field experience to further develop your own professionalism.

Video Instructional Points (VIP) Seminar

This information may be used to help structure video lessons if this is desired to help the student teacher. 




Last Updated 9/13/22